Friday, September 25, 2015


Hello! I just wanted to look at pictures. So I thought why not share it with you guys!

One Question...

I have one question. Do you guys think that the background that I have is too much when it is like animated?Or is it awesome and cool like that?If you like it or not please leave a comment saying so!
I for one like it a lot but it sort of looks weird with real life pictures sometimes.Thanks.:)

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Hello people! sorry for not posting for a while. But I have good news... I am doing band!!! I am currently playing clarinet. Its super fun. also its nice because it doesn't add to much to your home work. My homework usually takes about an hour but the most is two hours I would say. You only need to practice for about 10 minuets a day.But its super fun! But since my hand is small it is a LITTLE BIT hard to hold. In the beginners group this year I am the only clarinet player!!! Most of the kids are saxophone or trumpet. But hopefully there is another kid who plays the clarinet. Have a wonderful day peeps!!!

This picture is from