Thursday, December 24, 2015


I will be posting on Mondays and Fridays due to other work. It is possible that I might post on a different date.I will most likely be only posting one thing.

Something I wonder every day...

Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you are going to have a wonderful holiday! If you don't celebrate anything then I hope you have a good day! Also happy new year!! My favorite thing about the holidays is seeing family... AND OF COURSE PRESENTS!!! In a different post I will tell you my new schedule. I will not be posting for a bit because I will be very busy. I will ex plane later.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Okay,I have a band concert sort coming up very soon...I am playing Jingle bells,Jolly Old Saint Nick, and Up on the house top! I am so exited!!! Actually I had another band concert about a week ago... BTW I am a in the beginner band and I play the clarinet.

 {PS I am not a squid...}

Friday, September 25, 2015


Hello! I just wanted to look at pictures. So I thought why not share it with you guys!

One Question...

I have one question. Do you guys think that the background that I have is too much when it is like animated?Or is it awesome and cool like that?If you like it or not please leave a comment saying so!
I for one like it a lot but it sort of looks weird with real life pictures sometimes.Thanks.:)

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Hello people! sorry for not posting for a while. But I have good news... I am doing band!!! I am currently playing clarinet. Its super fun. also its nice because it doesn't add to much to your home work. My homework usually takes about an hour but the most is two hours I would say. You only need to practice for about 10 minuets a day.But its super fun! But since my hand is small it is a LITTLE BIT hard to hold. In the beginners group this year I am the only clarinet player!!! Most of the kids are saxophone or trumpet. But hopefully there is another kid who plays the clarinet. Have a wonderful day peeps!!!

This picture is from

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Weird Weather Report!

So today in the morning, it was sunny and hot. But then in the evening it started to POUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I think that my dad said that there was a tornado warning in the west. But I live in Chicago, so we just got winds that where like 50 miles per hour and we got Pouring rain... It's not that bad, my mom said that since she used to live in Florida so the storms and tornadoes where worse.....


Thursday, July 16, 2015


Yesterday I went to The Grove with my cousin! We had so much fun. Here are some pictures:



120 year old Alligator Snapping Turtle!

You can't really see it but there are some baby snakes and some baby turtles!

Here is one of the baby turtles!


Monday, July 13, 2015

Why are stuff so cute!!!!!!!!

I am having a Cuteness overload!!!
B.T.W This is only a little bit of the Cuteness!!!
*All photos from Google Search.

Yes, I am a Video Gamer

I LOVE MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like these youtubers! Make sure to click this link to go to youtube to check them out!!! Make sure to Subscribe to them!!! B.T.W Click the links near the Youtubers names to go to their channels. (The Light Green is the links)

*This is not all of the Youtubers I know

Tooth Fairy Gift!

I was Waiting for about 3 days for the tooth Fairy to get my tooth and leave a gift for me. I almost gave up!! But then my mom said to get my tooth from under the pillow, and there it was! My new tooth fairy gift!!!!!!!